Wednesday 15 December 2010

Kairos Advent Devotional 2010 15th Dec

15 December 2010
Luke 1: 46 – 55

 Mary’s song, ‘The Magnificat’, has been set to many tunes and sung in many Churches and Cathedrals in our country and all over the world (I’ve even sung it in Kigiryama in East Africa!).  Why is this? Surely because Mary’s words came from her heart as she responded to the Lord’s will for her.

When Elizabeth had spoken words of joy as she acknowledged that Mary was to be ‘the mother of her Lord’ (Lk 1: 43), she said, ’Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished’ (Lk 1: 45).

 After Mary had said her ‘Yes’ to God, she became a new person, at peace, able to rejoice and praise God for what He was about to do. Praise Him that He had recognised her vulnerability; that He had done so much for her; praise Him because of His holiness; that He is a merciful God, mindful of all who have called upon Him throughout the generations. Praise Him now, because He had chosen her to be the mother of His Son. She, out of all the young girls, was to have this unique experience, at once overwhelming and also daunting. The way ahead would not be easy. There would be highs and lows; joys and grief, but one thing Mary knew was that God was with her, and His love and care know no bounds.

Do you truly believe that what God has called you to do will be accomplished?  Are you certain of His guidance; His leading day by day and do you praise and thank God often, because of the privilege you have of serving Him?

Read through the passage slowly and let the words speak to you.

Lord, help me to believe that what You have called me to do will be accomplished in Your time. Keep me praising and rejoicing as You lead me onwards and may my faith grow and deepen as I put my whole trust in You.

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