Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Don't look at the fog!

Last Sunday I told the story that the Evangelist Charles Inglis told of George Mueller - one of the great men of God in the 1800's.

Inglis said that on his first journey across the Atlantic to America he got to know the Captain of the Steamer he was travelling on. He was impressed by the Captains devotion to God and found that the state of the Captains faith was largely due to an encounter with George Mueller just five weeks previously.

He said that he had been on the bridge of the ship and received a visit from Mueller "Captain," said Mueller, "I have come to tell you that I must be in Quebec on Saturday afternoon." This was Wednesday. "It is impossible," said the Captain, to which Mueller replied, "very well, if your ship can't take me God will find some other means of locomotion to take me. I have never broken an arrangement in fifty-seven years."

The Captain expressed his helplessness and Mueller proposed that they go down to the chart room and pray.

The Captain said to Inglis that at this point his thoughts were along the lines of what lunatic asylum this man came from. He said "Mr Mueller, do you know how dense this fog is?"

Mueller replied "No, my eye is not on the density of the fog, but on the living God, who controls every circumstance of my life."

Mueller went down on his knees, and he prayed a most simple prayer something like this:

"O Lord, if it is consistent with thy will, please remove this fog in five minutes, You know the engageement you made for me in Quebec for Saturday. I believe it is your will." The Captain said that he was about to pray also when Mueller told him not to and said,

"First you do not believe God will do it; and, second, I believe He has done it and there is no need whatever for you to pray about it." The Captain said "I looked at him, and George Mueller said this: 'Captain, I have known my Lord for fifty-seven years and there has never been a single day that I have failed to gain an audience with the King. Get up, Captain and you will find the fog has gone.' I got up, and the fog was gone. On Saturday afternoon George Mueller was in Quebec."

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